Showing all 2 results

  • Brush Your Teeth Rottweiler Puppy Poster

    Brush Your Teeth Rottweiler Puppy Poster

    Brush Your Teeth Rottweiler Puppy Poster – This adorable poster features our German Rottweiler puppy, Heidi, as she smiles for the camera. Her sweet face, big smile and white teeth are sure to be a favorite with every dog lover. This poster is perfect for parents and dentists alike as it reminds everyone of the importance of brushing. Photo Taken by me, Elizabeth Williams.

    $18.95 Custom Options
  • Veterinary Love Your Pets Checkup Poster

    Veterinary Love Your Pets Checkup Poster

    Veterinary Love Your Pets Checkup Poster – “Regular checkups mean you love us!” This poster shows Spirit the Rottweiler, Sarge the Pitbull, and Meece the blue-eyed cat. All three pets are looking directly at you with adorable looks on their faces. Take care of your pets with regular visits to your veterinarian.

    $14.30 Custom Options